Hello! My name is David and this is Cloud Vertigo, a Substack about a lifelong learning journey.
I will share readings and writings about the ideas and people that are shaping our markets and societies: stories, investment theses and visions. I want to look further afield to make sense of our most uncertain times.
I believe in open innovation, open minded people and open-ended future and these are the guiding principles are shaping my thought and writing:
The first principle is to always challenge the status quo, to foster the strongest contrarian opinions, be ready and willing to ask those hard “What If?” questions.
The second principle is to reframe understanding with analogies and metaphors, play with different assumptions sets and look at the fundmental structure of things without fear, blame or judgment.
The third principle is to trust the power of a good story. Everything we know exists in relationship. We are little more than the stories we tell ourselves. We can choose which stories to tend to with our hearts and minds. Fiction is another word for freedom.
A good analogy it’s like a good story: a compact way to keep an entire worldview in our pockets, a consistent door to lead the way into a new venture .
Enough bla blah. The first story I want to tell you goes back to my teenage years. It’s about a seventeen years old boy, who has just encountered a radical idea on some dark corner of the Internet that would change his life forever…
Welcome on board! See you on the other side.
“What If life was like Disneyland?” Photo by Jeffrey Blum on Unsplash.